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shipping & returns

shipping policy

Due to COVID - 19, shipping and processing times are longer than normal and may take up to 5 business days to process your order. Please reach out to us via our contact page if you have any questions regarding your order. Our team is available Monday - Friday 10 am - 6 pm EST to assist you.


Please note that if an item is labeled as "Pre-order", it means that your entire order will be shipped the date the item arrives at our facility. If you order other items along with the "pre-order item, those items will also be delayed until your shipment arrives at our facility. If you wish to receive your other items first, please place separate orders for your products.


If the shipping address provided to Monet's Haus is incorrect, we will not cover the charge to have the items shipped again. The customer is responsible for the shipping cost to have the item shipped again to the appropriate location.

return & exchange policy

All sales are final and cannot be canceled once they are placed. We do accept returns or exchanges for lash accessories however due to sanitary reasons we cannot accept returns on lashes.


If a product has manufacturing damage, Monet's Haus will take responsibility to replace the product once we receive evidence of the damages and the product back to our facility. Monet's Haus does not replace or exchange used items.


Please note that we do not refund money under any circumstance for our mink lash products. If the unused item has a manufacturer issue, we will replace the item and the cost of shipping.

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